Friday, July 3

ArcticGardens Frozen Veggies

Part of a campaign for Arctic Gardens Frozen Vegetables. The claim is that their veggies are fresh since they are picked and frozen in under 2 hours. Creative leap was to say "what do the farmers do the rest of the time ?" Crazy stuff I guess. Like haystack throwing competitions or seed spitting on cans... (Damn, something happened to the sound... Will fix this ASAP. Basically, over the beauty shot a voice-over says: "At Arctic Gardens, our vegetables are fresh because they are picked and frozen in under two hours..." The voice goes on to say in a surprised manner: "Two hours? What do the farmers do the rest of the day?" And then we see the farmers having fun.)

Sid Lee

CD: Phil Meunier
AD: Daniel Andreani
CW: Phil Comeau

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